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      Care Package Tips

      Letters and packages are pretty popular around here. Who doesn't like to get mail, after all? But there are a few things to keep in mind when you're putting together your camper's next box of goodies. 

      First, we ask that you do not include food in your camper's care packages. It encourages animals to come into the cabins (and sometimes refuse to leave), it can encourage the consumption of junk food right before dinner or extra active activities, and could even result in someone feeling left out because the snacks weren't shared with them. For snacks, tell your camper to visit the Beehive, where a variety of treats and drinks are available during certain periods during the day. 

      For similar reasons, please do not send cash. Beehive accounts are entirely electronic and there really aren't any other opportunities on-camp to spend cash money. There are too many chances for money to be misplaced. If you'd like to add to your camper's Beehive account, that can be done online or by calling the office. 

      All of that said, one of the best parts about camp (in my opinion, at least) is getting mail. So if you get a chance, we encourage you to write a letter to your camper and ask how their time here is going. It's an opportunity for you to connect with your child, and for them to tell you what they're learning here at camp. 

      PS - When addressing your letter, remember to put your camper's program after their name! 

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      Reader Comments (1)

      happy birthday Toby!,,


      July 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermom

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