The Power of Getting Away
John Vandervelde - Program Director
Camp is busy with activity today. In a few hours over 216 campers attending 4 different programs will arrive at HoneyRock. It is one of our busiest arrival days of the entire summer. You can feel the excitement in the air and hear the counselors and staff running around, checking off their task lists and making their final preparations.
If today was your first time at HoneyRock, you'd probably think, "Man, this place is pretty crazy! So many people, so many activities, so much going on! What a busy place!" At one level that's true: HoneyRock can be a busy place, full of life, activity, and people doing lots of great things. But, HoneyRock is also a place of rest, quiet, and stillness.
One of the special things about HoneyRock is the intentional time set aside throughout the camp programs to provide people with space to be still and quiet. We all need time to get away from the craziness and busyness that we often find ourselves caught up in. A place like HoneyRock--set apart from the routine of everyday life and surrounded by God's glorious creation--is the perfect place to get that much needed time away.
Throughout Scripture God teaching his followers to spend time in solitude and in stillness. There is a powerful connection that takes place between God the creator and us his creation when we unplug from the daily busyness of life and plug into the stillness that can be found when we are quiet in God's presence.
So while today is busy and active, I know that soon the calm and stillness are coming. Soon, there will be campers doing their Morning Watch (personal devotions), High School students going off on solo, and staff waking up early to watch the sun rise over the lake.
I encourage you to take some time today to be still and know that He is God.
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