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      Service Team: Work & Play

      After a fun afternoon running Olympic Fest, Service Teamers got back to work today as they unloaded hay, constructed a roof, helped at a local farm, split wood...among other jobs. They're ready for a break!

      Most nights Activity Staff opens up activity areas for Service Teamers to work on awards or just hang out and have fun. Tonight, sailing and swimming are two of the activities open. A couple of the guys didn't hesitate to take advantage of the very windy day we've had and are out sailing now. Others are cooling off in the swim area, playing on the water trampoline or hanging out on the water mat.

      We can't say it enough: we are so proud of these kids and thankful for their service. They have devoted seven weeks of their summer to serve camp and one another. Moreover, they help not only camp, but also the surrounding Three Lakes/Eagle River area through projects. We have been able to capture a few of their on-camp projects through photos. See them here!  


      Olympic Fest

      It's the first Saturday of Res camp, so that means Olympic Fest. Here's just a quick look at what campers were up to today!

      Starting Olympic Fest with a parade!

      All of the campers get directions from Captain Commissioner Olympus and Olympian Bill.

      Kayak races were a blast!

      Don and Al brought out the big hose for the Slip-n-Slide!

      Two cabins of girls right before they ran the dizzy bat race.

      A busy day on the Waterfront! We played Greased Watermelon & Noodle Jousting in the Swim Area. 

      See these pictures & more at our online Photo Gallery!


      10 o'clock, Tuesday

      It's the first day our Res campers are in camp! Last night they already had so much fun getting in the water for their swim test, meeting Activity Staff, and introducing themselves to camp through skits. This morning, they began their first full day here...and what a great first day we're having!

      But, because of the title you're probably wondering What happens at 10 o'clock?

      Ten o'clock means we have been awake for at least three hours, if not four for those Solid Rockers. Breakfast has been eaten, "Cabin Impacts" finished, quiet times taken, and Res campers are almost ready to make their way to activities. But first, 10 o'clock rolls around and everyone heads to the big blue and white tent.  


      Once the campers arrive at the tent, it breaks out into craziness! Four or five of or SLS'ers and Unit Leaders are on stage, playing the drums, guitar, and piano while leading motions to our favorite worship songs like Marvelous Light, Days of Elijah, Every Move I Make, Prince of Peace, I Saw the Light...the list goes on!


      It's so much fun to see smiling faces joining to praise God for all he has blessed us with!


      If you would like, we invite you to join with us in this time through prayer from wherever you are. We pray daily that each and every camper would find God and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, that eyes are opened and hearts are softened, for cabin unity and for safety. So, join us for the next two weeks at 10 o'clock, supporting campers and counselors in prayer!

      For those who may be new to this blog, we invite you to also look at our Photo Gallery! We update Res Camp every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Advance Camp and 2:22 are updated every Tuesday and Thursday. You can also use the links to your right to make your way to the page. 


      Camper {E}Mail

      While our session 1 Res and Advance campers returned home for the summer, we welcome session 2 Res campers this afternoon! Know that even though some of our campers have left, we are still praying for their transition home. Sometimes, it’s not easy transitioning to your “permanent community”. We have a few suggestions for trying to make that transition easier. Interested? Follow this link.

      Looking forward to our next sessions, we wanted to make sure all of you know about our camper email option! These are one-way emails from you to your child during the camp session. It’s a really easy process to follow, and it will make your child’s day! We see so many smiles from these simple letters.


      1. Log onto your online account via our registration portal.
      2. On My Account Dashboard page, click "View Itineraries"
      3. Click your camper's name for current registration (attending)
      4. On Registration Details page, click "Send Emails" to select a package and/or compose and send a one-way email.
      5. On Attendee Emails page, if you have not already selected one of the email packages, you may add one by following the above steps. You may also invite guests (family members) to send emails.

      Other Information:

      • You will not be emailing a HoneyRock email address.
      • Parents can view past emails sent to their children.
      • Clicking on "send an email" will allow you to compose and submit.
      • You may upgrade from any option at any time.
      • All of the emails sent from parents are collected at 12 o'clock midnight and printed the following morning. From there, the letters are delivered to the camper, usually reaching them after lunch or by dinner. 

      We also welcome snail mail and care packages! Take a minute and read our "Care Package Tips" for helpful information.

      Camper's Name - Program Title
      8660 HoneyRock Road
      Three Lakes, WI 54562 

      2:22 is in activities this week!


      2:22, Back in Camp

      Wednesday afternoon all of our 2:22ers arrived back to camp safe and sound! They returned canoeing and hiking, ready to unpack and shower – ASAP. While we haven’t had a lot of time to hear stories yet, the next week will be spent in camp…plenty of time to hear about some of their wilderness experiences. We overheard one group saying that their time was “almost like a vacation” – good long hikes, sandy beaches, and sunny skies. While some trips might have experienced other elements, we’re excited with what we have heard so far!

      Thank you for your patience as we start to upload pictures of your 2:22ers! They haven’t been in camp for that long, but we’re working hard to make up for lost time. Today the women are in town doing laundry while the men are rafting at the Wolf River. Here at the office, we're in the process of rounding up trip pictures and posting them to our photo site

      Update: 2:22 Wilderness Trip Pictures are posted!
      Click here to visit their photo gallery.


      Meet Ashley Kiley: Advance Camp Program Coordinator

      Ashley Kiley, originally from Irvine, California, comes to HoneyRock from the University of Southern California. During the school year, she serves in Wheaton at the HoneyRock Southwoods office while balancing the CFM Masters program. While Ashley has been at HoneyRock since October of 2011, this is her first summer as Advance Camp Program Coordinator. 

      When asked why she enjoys Advance Camp, Ashley replied, "I love 9th grade...this is such an important time to build a solid foundation going into High School. I believe God works in mighty ways through a transitional season like this." Ashley also shared an awesome story of how this group of Advance Camp women has come together this session:

      All of the female cabins decided to complete Solid Rock, stepping up to take on the callenge. Participating in Solid Rock means waking up as early as 5:30 most mornings of camp to run to the Rock and back, swim 10 lengths of the swim area, memorize scripture, and serve camp. Today, we visited them as they worked on their service project. Timber Hollow, the group of cabins that Advance Camp calls home, needed a little work on the pathways. They broke out the shovels and rakes and got to work!



      But don't worry, we're not forgetting about the Advance Camp men! They have been learning new skillsworking on awards, spending time in the Word & in worship. It's been an awesome experience to see them explore, learn, and serve during their time here. 

      We can't wait for you to join us tomorrow for Family Day. For those of you who can't make it, know that they will have great stories to tell once they return home!