The res camp girls were out on their wilderness trips last night, which meant MAN CAMP. Though I've never participated (being a girl), I'm told it's an epic display of manliness through the eating of pizza, the playing of outpost, and the setting of large, glorious (camp)fires.
Outpost is a game much like capture the flag, except each person is assigned a military rank and you get points depending on the rank of the person you've captured. And they go hardcore here, dressing in camo and facepaint. See the picture below, as one of the counselors rallies his troops with the plans for battle.
After Outpost, when everything is calm again, a big fire is built on Chrouser lawn and the campers are gathered together to learn a bit about what it means to be a man, and especially a man of God.
MAN CAMP only happens once a session, but I'm sure that for many of the campers here, it's a highlight.