John Vandervelde - Program Director
My wife Kari is amazing. We have 3 children, 6, 4, and 2 and Kari's main role in our family is primarily a stay-at-home mom. Did I mention she's amazing? She's a doctor, therapist, tailor, bike repairer, fort builder, tea party organizer, artist, scientist, coach, and cook - all at the same time. I've made the statement, on more than one occasion, that I think she is really a super-hero. Oh, she's amazing too.
Just like my mom's role in my life, Kari's role in my kids' lives as "mom" is so special. The love and care she gives, the organizing of their lives, the teaching, and the fun is an amazing gift to them. What's crazy is how for-granted they take all she does for them. It's not like my kids are some awful, unappreciative brats; they're just too young to really "get it". Sure, of course, they regularly thank their mom for things she does but I know someday (like when they have their own kids) they're going to realize how truly amazing their mom really is.
A mom has a special role in a child's life. Moms are remarkable, aren't they? It's an honor and privilege to connect with so many mothers here at HoneyRock. I'm amazed at the things mothers do and how much they love and care about their children - sometimes in the midst of great trials and terrible heartache. It is inspiring!
So this weekend let's tell our moms (and our wives) how amazing they really are and show them how much we appreciate who they are and all they do!
Don't worry, we'll write about Dads on Father's Day...